Do you have a handful of blogs that you follow purely for fun? That’s right, I’m not talking about the blogs that you follow because you feel like you “should”, or because they relate to your career field, or because you know the blogger, or because omg-like-everyone-else-you-know is following them. Nope, I’m asking — what blogs do you follow just because you totally enjoy them?? Over the past few years, I’ve actually made the intentional move away from following primarily food blogs (which too often send me into that old comparison/jealousy/insecurity spiral, meh) and now find myself following bloggers in totally different niches — and it has been awesome . I have blog categories on Feedly for photographers I admire, cool people working for social justice, interesting perspectives on faith, DIY stuff I actually want to try, you name it! Mostly they’re just blogs that have n...